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Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit

About Us

About the Agency

The Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit is the non-partisan audit arm of the Kansas Legislature. Our mission is to inform policy makers by providing accurate, unbiased information through our audit reports. Our audits help the Legislature by focusing on three core areas – oversight, insight, and foresight. We help the Legislature by providing oversight of state government by evaluating whether agencies are following laws, achieving intended results, and operating efficiently. We also help legislators develop a better understanding of state government by providing insight into how agencies and programs actually work. Finally, in some cases, we provide legislators with foresight by predicting how changing current government structures and systems might affect state costs and program outcomes.

Our Staff

The head of the agency is the Legislative Post Auditor, who employs a 25-person staff to conduct our audits. Our staff come from a variety of backgrounds, including public administration, law, political science, business, and other social sciences. The work requires excellent critical thinking skills, writing and data analysis skills, and the ability to work with a wide variety of people. While not required, most of our staff have at least a master’s degree in their chosen area of study.


National Legislative Program Evaluation Society:

National State Auditors Association:

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